Friday, October 8, 2010

We cry- The Script

A similar style and feel is in this song, to our chosen single entitled 'Nothing'. We Cry's lyrics depict lives struggles and how at the start we have dreams and ambitions to change the world and become somebody but it never works out this way. An original and authentic style of editing is adapted which suits the sad nature of the song. The Script, fitting into the 'rock' and 'indie' genre, follow the stereotypical codes and conventions of a indie/rock music video, with the screenplay being dark and dirty, looking unpolished. There are 3 main narratives within the video, and 3 different scenes which represent these. The first shows the main singer within the band, walking through a city. The second shows the full band rehearsing the song, within a run down, amateur front living room set up. Finally the third shows reflections and brief glimpses of city life. The song is made to look very natural and rough, with people walking across the camera and blocking shots (2:30). Thus reflecting the meaning of the song. A main convention of the music video is editing to the beat. This also occurs in we cry, often the character can be seen walking down the street in a medium shot and his body movements (footsteps) match that of the beat. The camera is nearly always a close up or medium close up so that we can see the singer, as essentially this is what is being promoted and what the audience is wanting to see, Often the background is blurred to reinforce this. The shots showing city life depict people in ordinary everyday jobs, linking back to the meaning of how people when younger long for being somebody but for the majority it never ends this way. The second narrative which see's the band set up within a staged area performing their song is another typical convention of music videos and especially those fitting into the indie genre.

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